Saturday, 22 September 2012

Reposting..just because..


习惯会上瘾,是建筑身心安乐窝最便宜,好用的材料。 科学家说, 动作重复三周以上形成习惯,重复三个月以上的习惯就稳定下来。
习惯也许因人而异,不能褒贬,就像睡觉原本就是一种享受过程。但是,如果拿未来的幸福当枕头,很容易会把快乐先睡死。这不是很难推断的结局, 选择其实明摆着,但城市人却心甘情愿地成为嗜睡的奴隶。

旧习惯难以死亡,除非新习惯找到动机。心灵一旦习惯了贫瘠, ‘我要快乐’便会继续成为缠根于脑海的念头, 怎么笑都不彻底,不痛快。


收获一个习惯;播下一种习惯, 收获一种性格;播下一种性格, 收获一种命运’

想象能开创,自律加强执行力。 如果幸福被习惯偷走, 那么想象和自律,也许能把幸福夺回来归还你。思想决定出路,思想的修行更是点滴功夫, 没有捷径。快乐是一种习惯, 跟乐观, 热情, 积极,甚至成功一样。

明天的样子,取决于昨天的习惯; 若想改变, 就要抢当习惯的主人,

First posted on 11 Aug 2011

Friday, 14 September 2012

It would have been a nice day to watch the sunset from Gardens By The Bay..

I don't like quarrelling..bickering yes..but no shouting matches, arguing till faces turn red, etc..Maybe i don't even know 'how' to quarrel..

To me, a quarrel (mostly) takes place when 2(or  more) people get(too) agitated..what's the point of trying to say something when the other party is obviously not at the most receptive..?

I once said, i prefer to lose an argument than to lose a i guess when i really get into a quarrel, i'm prepared to lose the person..

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

2 persons looked out of the same window at the same time..each facing a different direction..

1 saw dark clouds..the other saw bright one exclaimed 'It's getting dark!' and the other said 'It's so sunny today!'

Upon hearing each other, they turned and look at the other direction..and realised what both of them said was true..

Sometimes even if you're right, it doesn't mean the other person is wrong..