Thursday, 28 September 2006


This announcment may be a couple of days late..but nonetheless..

My ex-colleague, aka Ms Organics-makes-my-hair-oily..who later became Ms now officially known Mrs Lui..

Saturday, 16 September 2006


Tat's right..the subject line's referring to TV drama serials..

At the risk of incurring the wrath of many Changjin and KSS fans out's a line tat i came across recently..

'Television is a medium cos anything well done is rare'

Friday, 15 September 2006

Time Flies

Didn't realise it has been almost 2 weeks since i last blogged..

Yes, it has been quite busy for me lately..this was how i spent my time:

70% work
20% socialising(in any case, due to the nature of my work, work time & socialising time sometimes get confused and how i can interact with meiren amidst goats and frogs during a farm ride)
10% simply to nuah(yep, i MUST have my nuah time..if not i'll feel grouchy..ha)

It's kinda strange i end up with so little free time..if u look into my diary, it's not exactly tat full..but somehow each day managed to get filled up..and a lot of things planned for 'this week' gets pushed to the 'next week' & next & next..

As saying goes, time passes a lot more quickly when one's i guess i'm a happy person :)

Sunday, 3 September 2006


Congrats to Team NI who came in first for the Waterfest Urban Race!

Finally we got a first after joining sooo many competitions(& complaining about them being complaints about this..except maybe about the 300ml, 400ml, 500ml water challenge..haha..)

The day started off with quite a dramatic start..from Ms Chan's attempt to drive my Vito to 0.5 puncturing a tyre..Nevertheless, Team NI(No Income) managed to overcome all odds to complete all the tasks in the fastest time..

Gong xi gong xi!

More photos at