Friday 15 September 2006

Time Flies

Didn't realise it has been almost 2 weeks since i last blogged..

Yes, it has been quite busy for me lately..this was how i spent my time:

70% work
20% socialising(in any case, due to the nature of my work, work time & socialising time sometimes get confused and how i can interact with meiren amidst goats and frogs during a farm ride)
10% simply to nuah(yep, i MUST have my nuah time..if not i'll feel grouchy..ha)

It's kinda strange i end up with so little free time..if u look into my diary, it's not exactly tat full..but somehow each day managed to get filled up..and a lot of things planned for 'this week' gets pushed to the 'next week' & next & next..

As saying goes, time passes a lot more quickly when one's i guess i'm a happy person :)

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