Friday 13 April 2007

Finally..something more positive :)

The past 2 entries were rather negative..if not downright depressing..had wei commenting it's quite unusual to hear about me grousing about life - tat's her specialty u see :Þ

To show how grateful i am for ur concern..i'm gonna dedicate this entire entry to u and ur biscuit shop..enuf fren right(gou peng you ba)?

Yes, my long time pal wei has opened a biscuit shop so imaginatively named...'The Biscuit Shop'..which to me is a bit of a misnomer..cos the shop sells not only biscuits..but also sweets and those preserved titbits..and i thot 'The Titbit Shop' might be more appropriate..anyways...presenting 'The Biscuit Shop'!

To give a more 'upmarket' look, instead of displaying the metal 'gong', biscuits have been prepacked into $2 depending on which type of biscuit, it might be a slightly bigger or smaller pack.. and guess wat i bought? my contribution to her monthly sales quota :)

The packet on the left is the usual suspect - my all-time fave hup toh soh..with the familiar cashew nut on for the packet on the right..'err..i think it's some almond biscuit, maybe got some almond essence..?!' (advice to wei : please know your products well..and for biscuits sake! it's almond, not pistachio!)

So for the 20 pple or so out there reading know where to go for biscuits next time :)

The Biscuit Shop is located at #01-33, Tiong Bahru Market(yes, the chwee kueh market)

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