Thursday, 24 September 2009

Studies & Exams

The bad news is i didn't top my class..i had to settle for 2nd place..'s been a long while since i got so competitive fact, i was never competitive during school to be when i was struggling just to pass..ha

But yes, it's nice to know that my hard work did pay off..i tried my best..really..

Of cos, credit must also go out to someone..the poor girl has had to help me with my revision while lying half-paralysed in the hospital..thanks! (i still have 3 other papers coming up..)

Never thought i'll ever say this but i wish i have a bit more time to study these days..i know i'm neglecting my revision and research..but like everyone else, i'm also guilty of using the universal excuse 'no time'(which is absolute rubbish)

I have added stress when someone else said this to me in her darn earnest tone 'i'm sure you'll do well, cos you were the one who chose to study' This coming from a person whom i watched her 'grow up'..


Monday, 21 September 2009

<回来> 张信哲 1999


过去很熟悉 现在不懂你
想看你眼睛 你却给我背影
就像满天星 都跌进大海里
我被放逐的心 又要往哪里去

我们再也回不去了 对不对
你的心回不去了 对不对

我们再也回不去了 对不对
你的心回不去了 对不对
不能去怪谁 顶多只能掉眼泪

如果问原因 可能更承受不起
若就这样离去 我又很难平静
从你的泪滴 我找到被爱过的证据
有冲动想哭泣 只好紧紧抱你

Friday, 18 September 2009


I'm in a foul mood..

All cos i did some packing..serious packing..i'm a lousy packer and i absolutely hate packing >.< I was always fortunate enough to have people encouraging/forcing/cajoling(or most likely) ending up helping me to pack. But this time, i did it alone..well, more or less..

Wet weather..annoying clients..don't help..