Tuesday, 30 August 2011

More musings..

Referring to my previous entry on running a race..

How do you run a race when you're not even sure you're in the race in the first place..

Monday, 29 August 2011


How do you run a race when you have no idea whether it's a sprint or a marathon..

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Sunday Life's..like tat..

Some of you might have read about an article in the papers which quoted me and my company - THANK YOU to all who had 'congratulated' me on it..

(Btw, my business, while had picked up, is not 'booming' as one of you had smsed me..it sounded like so cos the journalist kinda wanted to hear tat)

What most of you don't know is that i actually also did a photoshoot with a separate photographer..which actually took longer than the interview itself..goodness know how many rounds i cycled so tat she can capture me 'in action' AND smiling into the camera AT THE SAME TIME..but of cos, in the end my 'beautiful' photos never saw daylight..haha

Once again, thanks to all who had supported and stood by me(and my company) all these years :)

Wednesday, 17 August 2011



很多城市人都感觉到: 自己与快乐成为陌路人,自己应该快乐的时候却愁眉苦脸。


有动机就有动力,有动力才能成事;所以没有内容的快乐, 是苍白且空洞的 -- 从小到大, 城市人都被灌输如此类的观念: 拥有才会快乐, 快乐的先决条件是拥有财富, 事业, 物质, 成就感, 健康。 快乐是与生活的理性交易,穷开心不过是感性的白痴。

小孩会蹦蹦跳跳地绕它几圈先是欣赏, 然后蹲在一旁又逗又弄又模着猫的慵懒。 人猫各司其职, 却显得无所事事, 有着不拥有尘世的天地喜欢。

快乐之前,如果还要用脑袋来判断, 不如不思考。


~ 有你陪我逗猫咪,我想我是快乐的小孩 ~

Sunday, 14 August 2011


I forgot to give credit to the original author of my previous entry - 吴悠律. He writes a column

私房搞 in Sunday's 早报周刊.

Mama > Sorry to disappoint, but i dun have so much 墨水..this week's article is quite interesting too, see if i have the time/mood to reproduce here..

Thursday, 11 August 2011




一个人一天做事效率最高的时间, 是早上9点到11点; 这时的脑袋最活跃,精神最集中。一日之计在于晨不是空泛的早晨祝语。但是在这段时间,大多数城市人也许正专注与浪费。

是建筑身心安乐窝最便宜,好用的材料。 科学家说, 动作重复三周以上形成习惯,重复三个月以上的习惯就稳定下来。

习惯也许因人而异,不能褒贬,就像睡觉原本就是一种享受过程。但是,如果拿未来的幸福当枕头,很容易会把快乐先睡死。这不是很难推断的结局, 选择其实明摆着,但城市人却心甘情愿地成为嗜睡的奴隶。


旧习惯难以死亡,除非新习惯找到动机。心灵一旦习惯了贫瘠, ‘我要快乐’便会继续成为缠根于脑海的念头, 怎么笑都不彻底,不痛快。


播下一种习惯, 收获一种性格;
播下一种性格, 收获一种命运’

想象能开创,自律加强执行力。 如果幸福被习惯偷走, 那么想象和自律,也许能把幸福夺回来归还你。思想决定出路,思想的修行更是点滴功夫, 没有捷径。快乐是一种习惯, 跟乐观, 热情, 积极,甚至成功一样。

明天的样子,取决于昨天的习惯; 若想改变, 就要抢当习惯的主人,


Wednesday, 10 August 2011

*Bling bling*

I was doing some work-work on my laptop..then i was like..hmm..something feels different..Took me a couple of mins to realise..then bling!

The screen(together with the rest of my 'Windows 7') had been cleaned earlier(by a very helpful person)..no wonder it seems different! ^.^

Friday, 5 August 2011

Continuing from previous blog..

Despite having only 6 hours' of sleep on a squeaky air mattress and feeling lethargic due to the 'air'..we managed to get onto the tennis court to whack a few balls..

And guess wat? It was a grass court! Have always wanted to experience playing on one..and it's literally at the doorstep of 0.5's new home in KL..

Next..clay court??