Thursday, 5 January 2006

$ave $

Tat will be my new year save spend less money..esp unnecessary money..

Realised i've been spending money too freely liao..should really tighten the rein a bit..actually i also do realise tat my savings account had been diminishing ever since i came back(not surprisingly, since there is zero income, only output)

In fact, i think i'm in a worse financial situation than i was when i was in least i was earning enuf to cover(though just barely)my travel expenses then..

With the help of osim, I'd identified 4 main ways to cut spending :

Less socialising

In case pt 1 fails, less socialising at expensive places (ie. if u want to ask me out for dinner, either u pay or we go hawker centre..or at most, foodcourt)

Less more 'gd morning/afternoon/evening/nite' or 'ok' smses from me

Less impulse buying (no more walking into a shopping centre with the intention of buying bermudas & ending up with a pair of long pants...or worse, getting a new pair of specs when wat i actually wanted was a pair of trainers!)

WIsh me luck..

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