Monday 15 May 2006

hup toh soh

Someone just commented tat my blog is suffering from a drought..quick check on my blog..opps, realised last entry was a week ago..

So wat's up these days? Besides becoming a 'frequent visitor' to our neighour across the causeway these days(i set a new record for myself the other day - receiving a phone call to go in to JB..went JB..back in a matter of <5>

When i was in Msia over the weekend, we met an ang moh who has been travelling round the world..& i really mean, round the world..he's started from Texas..went down to South America(Team SA, did u all come across a guy on motorbike? It could be him..his name is Jim)..then flew to UK..did both western & eastern europe..then down to Australia & NZ..& now on his Asia leg..he's been on the road for the past 2 years..& the best part is..he did all this on his eh?

Always feel happy for people when i see them pursuing the dreams & appear genuinely happy doing so..some people can be (too)rational & say there's a price to pay to fulfil a dream..but i think u can't put a price tag when it comes to happiness..more money doesn't equate to more happiness..likewise, less money doesn't necessarily means one will be less's no secret tat i'm now earning a fraction of wat i used to..but i don't think my quality of life has deteriorated any..if any changes, it's for the better..

Just read 10's blog..glad she's happy(or perhaps happier?) with her lifestyle now..seems like she's starting to enjoy the slower pace of life..'s really the simple things tat matter in the end..sometimes, all it takes is a hup toh soh..

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