Tuesday 6 June 2006

"Slow down. It might save your life"

That's the title of the article by ST columnist Sumiko Tan in Sunday's papers..in her article, she mentioned this book 'In Praise Of Slow - How A Worldwide Movement Is Challenging The Cult Of Speed(2004) by Carl Honore'. According to her, the book is about modern society's obsession with doing things faster and better, and how this has taken a toll..

This addiction to speed starts from the moment we wake up when the first thing we do is check the time. From that moment on, 'the clock calls the shot', Honore observes.

'Falling behind at work? Get a quicker Internet connection. No time for that novel..? Learn to speed-read. Diet not working? Try liposuction Too busy to cook? Buy a microwave. And yet some things cannot, should not, be sped up. They take time; they need slowness. When you accelerate things that should not be accelerated, when you forget how to slow down, there is a price to pay.' And the price is heavy - poor health, diseases, traffic accidents, bad or poor superficial relationships, poor quality of life, the inability to look forward to things and to enjoy the moment when it arrives.

The book is not against speed per se and neither does it rail at worldly pleasures. Rather, it contends that the key to a fulfilling life is balance - knowing when to work hard and fast, but also when to stop and relax.

I think i should get this book..& maybe u out there too..

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