Tuesday, 22 June 2010

I Caught The Fever..

More literally than figuratively..

Yes, the World Cup fever is on..and i'm sure many people out there have caught the fever..me, not exactly siao-on football fan..but the sports junkie in me brought me out to catch a few matches here & there(drinks & prata are 'bonuses'..)

While i'm still not able to differentiate between 4-4-1-1 and 5-4-1 formations, i like to see the 'emotions' of the players..from the pained anguish in missing a penalty to the sheer ecstasy of scoring(not withstanding some overacting from the players sometimes), every form of emotion is on splendid display during this season..

And the other fever i've caught is..well, fever..

Again, i fell victim to the erratic weather..what to do? i'm at the mercy of the weather more than most people(people who work in air-con comfort from 9-6 do not bear the full grunt of the weather..in my opinion). Just when i was wondering what should i do on a relatively-free weekend, i woke up on sat morning with a splitting headache(i swear it wasn't from the 2 drinks while watching Germany lose)..by evening, the headache had developed into a full-blown fever of 38.5..and my temp yoyo-ed up and down over the entire weekend and it took me half a box of panadol before it came down to a level which i can function decently..@_@

Hope one fever will clear up soon enough so i can concentrate on the other fever..

p.s. Wei, you can jio me to watch WC one ya..

1 comment:

The Smiley Grouch said...

err.. ok... tmr, England vs Germany?