Sunday, 6 March 2011


It's one of those times when i had a month's worth of work squeezed into a few days..Imagine doing the same briefing 8 times over 2 days..think my colleagues were bored with my jokes after the 2nd time...

One of my stress-relief outlets is thru whining(and secretly hoping for some sympathy) i sent out a sms 'From the moment i wake up at 545am..i'll have to work till 12 midnight..' And of cos, my dear fish replied with a parallel sms 'i went for the third college interview today, it was a group interview' Oh well, i don't really suppose such kbkb smses will register in anyone's memory anyway..

As expected..the day went on, the physical exertion and the mental fatigue started to kick in..

And at quarter to midnight..this sms came thru 8 time zones..'15 mins more..hang on there' and suddenly the day didn't seem so bad afterall..

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