Wednesday 22 February 2006

Risk vs regret

This was extracted from an article on eating beef(?!)..but i quite like the opening para..

'Much of life is a calculated risk or we wouldn't even venture out of our homes to cross streets, get into cars or work in high buildings, much less do things like sky dive and yes, eat US beef(see? i'm not bluffing when i said this article is about eating beef)

We all do these things in the absence of absolute guarantees because we are able to weigh the pros & cons of each situation and come to a decision on what to do. Without this ability, we'd be paralysed..' (The rest of the article is really about beef liao..)

Yes..i've known all along that life is about taking risks..but it never really hit me as hard as recently..just take the past 1 month alone..i must have taken as many risks(professional as well as personal) as i had..say, in the whole of my 2nd year of working in my ex-company..

Well, some of them are somewhat 'calculated'..meaning i can agar agar the chances of succeeding vs chances of otherwise..others are not so straightforward..where i really have only the very slightest clue whether or not 'i'll make it'..

So how do i evaluate these 'unknown' risks? Based on how much i'll regret if i don't go ahead..if i think i'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life if i dun even give it a try, then i'll pyscho myself to go for it..the probability of success doesn't matter anymore..just had to brace myself for the possibility of failure..

And so far..i'm proud to say..i haven't got much regrets..

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