Tuesday 28 February 2006

i finally found out the difference between colleagues & friends..(previously titled 'i finally found out the difference bet tissue prata & paper prata

It's 2.15am & the truth is..i'm damn f***king tired right now..why i insist on discussing pratas on my blog at this unearthly hour, despite the fact tat my 'loyal fans' have decided to pledge allegiance to MsK's site instead..i really have no idea(maybe it was the teh halia i just had)

Forgot who was it tat asked this qn 'wat is the diff between tissue prata & paper prata?' So there i was..at the very same kopi tiam where we had one of the many CNY late nite suppers, also probably when the qn first popped up..i was with diff pple this time round though..instructor & Ms Nike..& we finally managed to solve the mystery of tissue vs paper prata..

No..it's not 'tissue prata is thinner than paper prata' as speculated by someone.. in fact, there is no difference in the 2 pratas, at least not in the taste or texture dept..the only difference is..get this..the way the prata is 'picked up' from the pan(or is it stove?) If it is 'pinched' up, therefore resulting in a conical shape..it is a tissue prata ; if it is sort of 'rolled' together like a big airy popiah..it is a paper prata..

And oh..btw, as the saboed-chairman-of-alumni, i had declared tonite's supper as the 'soft launch of the alumni club's activities'..as an indication of how sincere i am about this whole alumni thingy..i had even dao-tie the tehs & rotis pratas & johns to welcome the already-alumni Ms Nike & soon-to-be-alumni instructor into the club..

If tonite's activity is a sign of how successful the club will be..i think we're on the right track..just between 3 of us..we managed to keep ourselves entertained till 1.30am on a friday morning despite the fact tat all 3 of us needed to work the next day.. (& why on earth & heaven do i have to 'entertain' instructor huh?!?)

Well..besides pratas..we did discuss other more serious matters too..like how we pride ourselves as the SFL/HP div..other divs may seem more 'atas' (pet phrase of instructor these days)..but we simply can't think of any other div which can match us in the no of 'colourful'(pc word for strange) characters..ranging from 'life-begins-at-33' YY..to 'i-believe-i-am-lin zhiling' Mrs Chua..to 'she-who-actually-calls-me-meiren' meiren..BUT..wat a wonderful combi we make!

I can't believe it..my stomach actually just let out a gentle growl..at 2.55am..i blame it on the missed dinner..my mealtimes are getting a bit haywire these days..definitely not good..& now tat i dun have anyone to pick me up after work anymore..think i'd need to start packing my dinner ala my packed dinner days in the uk..& i promise i'll think of u everytime i eat my sandwich..

p.s. I'd moved up this entry cos of the 2 comments added..think every SFL HP member(present & ex) should get a chance to read it..

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