Wednesday 12 April 2006

2 weddings and a funeral..

Remember the movie '4 Weddings & A Funeral'? Think it was some 10 years fact, more than tat..since i remember i was in sec 4 when i caught the movie..(opps, unwittingly let out my age liao)

It was my fave movie for quite a while back then..anyway, as far as i can remember, Hugh Grant met this lady(Andie MacDowell) at a wedding.. 3 more weddings & a funeral later..he decided she was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with..

In the past 1 month or so..i've attended 2 weddings & a funeral..while i did not meet the love of my life on any of these occasions..i did sort of decide wat to do with my life..for the next 2 years at least..

And coincidentally during this period, no less than 5 pax had asked me about my plans for the future too..must say i'm quite touched at their's frens like these tat u can really claim 'mei you bai jiao'

The latest 'function' i attended was tat of my lao shi's funeral(if u had followed my blog, u would realised this)..where the one thing everyone remembered about her was her passion & dedication to music..

Now..wat do i want to be remembered for when i die..& tat should guide me into my

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