Thursday, 2 December 2010

Cheers x 3

Did you think i will really forget to blog about my Cheer(although it certainly wasn't as dramatic as wang jie) Nooo..i was just..hmm..a little busy lately..

Attended my 2nd concert of hers couple of weeks back..despite knowing that i will sleep only 3 to 4 hours the day before, i insisted on going..I din go for the first cos i was busy taking photos at NS(well, the 'good' thing's pretty much demolished by the third concert) and i dun intend to miss any of her future concerts too..

Managed to con-vince 0.5 to attend with me..and while i'm more of a fan, she's more 'musically-inclined'(as always..but then, most people are..) So she was the one making comments like 'tat's a unique instrument hor' ....'wah, difficult song, got 2 sets of beats' (watever that means)..while i could only go 'nice!' or 'i got hear this song before..i think' Oh, and i did jump onto the chair at one point in time(refer to article below)

Between the last concert 2 years ago and this concert..i'm ashamed to say that i probably didn't know any more of her songs than i did then...but i think she also never released new album..or did she?? Well, it's always more of quality than quantity for her anyway..ha..

0.5 and i made a few observations that night..we were trying to profile the 'average' fan of hers..but could not reach a terms of age, it seemed to vary quite a bit(from seemingly teenagers to mid 30/40s?), gender was pretty much equal...but what amused us was the fact that we saw not 1, not 2, but a few 'IT professionals-looking guys' totally engrossed(= standing on chair, waving neon-stick, etc) and enjoying themselves..

My last blog on her -

Below's an article lifted from 'U-weekly' mag(no 259)



来到狮城开(夏季练习曲) 演唱会, 以华丽的音乐和唯美的影像震撼全场3000名歌迷。 有趣的是,当晚除了有一票死忠实粉丝捧场外, 现场还来了很多宅男。



大家都十分配合地唱出"爱你" 唯独她的男友钟成虎。 低调的他不愿在台上公开表白, 只是以微笑回应对陈琦贞的爱。 今年的惊喜环节就是陈琦贞在第二次encore 后, 走向观众席中央的钢琴自弹自唱。


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